Friday, August 2, 2013

Update 8/2/13

Samuel update from the incredible Babymom Jen: (8/2/13):
Yesterday was a very productive day. The surgeon decided to take out the ICP probe. They discontinued sedation after testing that Sam wouldn't need it. That went well. They removed the probe around 7pm. Sammy started moving his arms & head. He is in the slow process of waking up. During the Neurologist visit this morning, he "responded to a command" for the first time! Dr. said, "wiggle your toes" & he did so - instantly! It will take some time; but we're getting there! He's so strong! I'm so proud!


  1. This is such great news !! Still praying for you Samuel .... Hanna's Aunt Suzanne

  2. I too am praying for a full recovery. It may take time and it will be a roller coaster of one step forward two steps back, but my hope is for Samuel is that he can do this. Sending hugs from Wisconsin. Yohuna (Johanne's) Mom; AnneMarie.
